Sunday, February 9, 2014

Indecision Peak (6 of Clubs) - February 8, 2014

Oh, Indecision Peak, what do I have to say about you?  I just can't decide...he he...see what I did there?  Okay, yeah, that was pretty bad.  Which is actually similar to my feelings about this hike, to be honest.

Okay, let me start with the positive aspects of this hike.  First, the weather was amazing, but it pretty much always is amazing in Vegas this time of year.
Second, we hiked right past a big horn sheep sunbathing on the rocks.  I've seen big horns on a couple of hikes, but I never get tired of seeing these beautiful animals.  This one just watched us walk by and posed for a few of our pictures.
It is also amazing how well they blend in!
Third, there was a rabbit hole on this hike!  I really love hikes with rabbit holes, or small little cave-like things through which you have to crawl to continue the hike.  I'm usually claustrophobic, but apparently not when I'm out in nature.
heading down the rabbit hole...just call me Alice
Finally, I think by now it goes without saying that the other people with whom I was hiking was amazing.
It was a small-ish, but awesome group of people.  These are seriously some of my favorite people ever.
Okay, now for the reason that you'll probably never find me on this hike ever again.  The scrambling was not fun.  I would say that 90% of this hike consisted of loose dirt or loose rock.  I can handle climbing up the loose material.  Descending the mountain is a different story.  I get so nervous that I'm going to fall so I move really slowly.  I much prefer climbing up and down the solid sandstone.
Despite all the loose rock and my snail-like pace descending the mountain, it was a great day and I earned my 24th card!!

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