Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weekend Roundup + A Treadmill Workout

I wasn't going to do a weekend recap because we were pretty lazy this weekend, but there are just a couple of highlights that I just have to share.  Also, this is going to be the shortest post ever because it is after midnight and I can barely keep my eyes open!

First, how adorable is my little dog and her love for Husband?  She jumped up and decided to lay on top of him.  I promise you, this photo was NOT staged.
Second, two words: "bacon pancakes."  Yeah, that's a real thing.  I indulged in them at Original House of Pancakes here in Vegas.  Woah, mind blown.  You should check them out.  
I'll be trying to make them at home someday soon.  I'm thinking buckwheat and bacon pancakes.  Stay tuned.

Finally, I feel obligated to inform you July is a *very* special month.  Apparently, 29 years ago, then-President Reagan proclaimed July as National Ice Cream Month!  I know you're going to be very sad when I inform you that you missed National Ice Cream Day...it is the third Sunday of July (two days ago).  I celebrated by chowing down on some delicious strawberry ice cream mochi from Trader Joe's.  Strawberry is my favorite right now, but I love all of the flavors (strawberry, chocolate, mango, & green tea).
According to Wikipedia, "President Reagan designated July 1984 as National Ice Cream Month and July 21, 1984 as National Ice Cream Day with Presidential Proclamation 5219 in 1984."  The fact that the first National Ice Cream Month occurred just 4 months after I was born is no coincidence; I was born to love ice cream!!
Which brings me to Monday.  The weather was actually under 100 degrees when I left work...really bizarre and a really welcome change in the Vegas weather pattern.  Even though it was still 96 degrees when I got home, I was planning on running outside.  However, my Garmin watch was dead as a doornail and I was not in the mood to run tech-naked, so I made my way to the treadmill.  I decided to do an interval workout with 800m runs @ 9:20 mile pace with a 400m recovery runs in between.
I really liked this workout...it'll be making a repeat appearance.
Full disclosure:  This is what I watched while I was running:
Are you jealous of my awesome taste in movies?

Favorite type of ice cream, go! (not ice cream flavor, like favorite ice cream novelty treat)
     (I pretty much love all ice cream, but right now I'm eating a lot of mochi and fruttare)

Are you weirded out by the bacon pancakes?
     (I'm more a member of the "the more bacon the better" camp)

Do you watch movies/tv while on the treadmill?  What are you watching these days?
     (I have a 90's teen/rom-com thing going on lately)

1 comment:

  1. I love Mochi from Trader Joes as well - the Mango flavor is definitely my favorite!

    I don't watch movies while running (I'm not on the treadmill too often) but I have started listening to podcasts a lot when running and I love it! It makes the time go by quickly and I learn something along the way. Lately I've listened to Trail Runner Nation and No Meat Athlete podcasts.
